Organizations grow differently and thrive when the focus is on building strengths in addition to improving weaknesses. Often times, however, it is difficult for organizations to determine in a structured manner how to nourish their strengths and how to harness this from their employees. Even a small percentage of improvement in employee satisfaction, engagement and resilience can result in major increases in positive business objectives.

Positive psychology training is for individuals who want to influence positive culture and growth in their organizations. It provides them the scientific framework and applied understanding necessary for any business setting where differentiated and leading edge knowledge is important.

I. Positive Psychology: The Science of Human Flourishing at Work

A revolutionary training program that is geared to teach participants the essential theory and practical application of Positive Psychology at the workplace. Positive Psychology focuses on the things that individuals should develop to become better versions of themselves. It is the science that helps us define, identify, measure and then improve what is right with us i.e. the skills, behaviors, and traits that we can capitalize on to function at our peak. The program focuses on skills that have been scientifically shown to harness our best selves. Upon completion of the program participants will be comfortable applying the skills at work, outside of work, and to be able to teach others core concepts. This program is more detailed than any of our other offerings and participants obtain a theoretical as well as a practical grounding in the topics.


Using the science of positive psychology, performance psychology, and organization behavior, participants learn about:

  • The basic tenets of human flourishing at work - how do we know we are flourishing?
  • The role of Emotions in our well-being and how to garner them positively at work.
  • What it means to be in Flow at work.
  • The power of Relationships at work.
  • The role of Meaning & Purpose.
  • The Importance of Goals, Individual, as well as Organizational.
  • Strengths, their identification and how to use them, once identified.
  • Resilience and its overlap with Positive Psychology.
  • Related research based models and frameworks to help with application.
  • 9-day program offered over the course of a 3 to 9 month period.
  • 1-day customized workshops on a subset of related topics.
  • Workshop modules offered separately - Customized modules offered from a selection of topics related to Positive Psychology.



Participants obtain immediate to use tools and interventions that help increase personal and professional satisfaction with work and life. Through the use of these tools participants can increase their own Fulfilment, Engagement, and Resilience; and also help to increase it for others. Some of the take-aways include:

  • A detailed understanding of one's strengths and ways to use them.
  • Strategies to find more engagement at work.
  • Strategies to create sustainable change in habits.
  • Techniques to help manage emotions better, beyond emotional intelligence.
  • Techniques to guarantee better relationships at work.
  • Ways to generate more meaning with your work and in life.
  • Tools to help you meet, not just set goals.
  • How to generate more joy at work.
  • Tools to be resilient in even the most challenging of times.
  • Skills to generate more hope and optimism in your life.

II. The Resilient Leader: Bounce Back Better for Success

Stress is ever present in our lives. It cannot be avoided. Burnout is common at the workplace. This workshop teaches individuals to flourish and thrive despite stress. The workshop offers science based tools and techniques to use stress in such a way that we can use it to our advantage. Learn to prevent burnout by tapping into your inner physical, emotional and mental resources. The workshop also teaches participants the power of purpose and meaning to develop resilience. This is an essential program to gain the skills that can be easily learned and readily applied at work and in one's personal life.



  • 3-day workshop designed to comprehensively cover the area of Resilience.
  • 1-2 day workshop tailored to cover a subset of the comprehensive program.
  • Workshop modules offered separately - Customized modules offered from a selection of topics related to Resilience.



  • Proven ways in which emotions can be used to generate resilience.
  • Techniques to recover at work and when at home.
  • The use of Engagement as a buffer for burnout.
  • The use of relationships to better cope with stress and burnout.
  • Ways to generate better relationships at work.
  • Learn to harness meaning at work to prevent burnout.
  • Mental agility as a mode to build resilience.
  • Personal inventory of strengths to help build resilience, prevent burnout, and deal with stress.
  • Plan with actionable steps to help build resilience at work and beyond.